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Dupseng Rinpoche vender tilbage til Karma Shedrup Choeling Buddha Center denne sommer

Under Rinpoches besøg vil der være Phowa-kursus, Kagyu Academy, og indvielse af de 8 nye Stupaer.

Detaljerede programmer for Rinpoche's ophold og aktiviteter vil blive opdateret her på siden løbende.

For spørgsmål eller tilmelding, er du meget velkommen til at kontakte os direkte.

Dupseng Rinpoche returns to Karma Shedrup Choeling Buddha Center this summer


During Rinpoches visit, there will be Phowa teaching, Kagyu Academy, as well as a consecration ceremony of the 8 new Stupas.

Detailed programs for Rinpoche's stay and activities will be continuously updated on this page.

For questions or registration, you are very welcome to contact us directly.

Indvielsesceremoni af de 8 Stupaer med ærværdige Dupseng Rinpoche den 7. juli 2024.
Program hele dagen


Vi er glade for at kunne dele nyheden om, at de 8 stupaer, inspireret af det historiske Swayambhunath, snart vil blive en realitet her. Der vil være et herligt program for hele dagen


Kl. 10.00

Indvielsesceremoni (Tib. Ramne) for de 8 Stupas


Kl. 13.00 Frokost

Kl. 15.00

  1. Dharma-undervisning, emne: "Buddha"/ Dharma Teaching, subject : "Buddha"

  2. Velsignelse for langt liv (Empowerment) / Long Life blessing Empowerment

Kl. 18.30



Kl. 20.00
Mahakala puja

Dette er en unik mulighed for at deltage i en betydningsfuld begivenhed.

Vi ser frem til at byde jer alle velkommen til denne særlige dag, hvor vi fejrer Buddhas liv, fred og åndelig forbindelse.

8 Stupa Consecration Ceremony with Venerable Dupseng Rinpoche on 7th July 2024.
All-day Program


We are excited to share the news that the 8 stupas, inspired by the historic Swayambhunath, will soon become a reality here.

There will be a wonderful program throughout the day.

10:00 AM

Consecration Ceremony (Tib. Ramne) for the 8 Stupas


1:00 PM



3:00 PM

1. Dharma Teaching, subject: "Buddha"

2. Long Life Blessing Empowerment

6:30 PM


8:00 PM

Mahakala Puja

This is a unique opportunity to participate in a meaningful event.

We look forward to welcoming you all to this special day, where we celebrate the life of Buddha, peace, and spiritual connection.

dupseng Vesterbølle 2023.jpg

Center for studier og praksis af buddhisme


Buddha Center Karma Shedrup Choeling er et buddhistisk center indenfor den tibetansk buddhistiske Karma Kagyu tradition. Centeret er smukt beliggende i Himmerland med udsigt til Limfjorden.​​​ Centeret afholder løbende kurser og foredrag om buddhisme.

shangpa rinpoche vesterbølle 2023.jpg


Vision of peace


The true nature of all beings, Karmapa teaches, is to seek peace:


“Peace is complete awareness. In this state of awareness, we cultivate and combine compassion and wisdom. In this state of awareness, we are alive, awake, we take responsibility for our actions. In this state, we are not driven by emotion, we control our emotions and actions. In this state, we are patient, nonviolent, we do not judge. In this state, we nurture our Inner Wealth – our innate values – and balance them with outer (material) wealth in a way that benefits all sentient beings. This is peace.”




The garden appearing like a pleasant rainbow,

The beauty grasps by the net of conceptual,

From the sleep of confusion one holds the view of true existence,

Once awaken it's simply the appearance of emptiness and interdependence.

Shangpa Rinpoche

Dagligt program



Kl. 6.30 til Kl. 7.30

Egen praksis.





Karma Shedrup Choeling arrangerer gerne foredrag om buddhisme for skoler, gymnasier og andre interesserede.

Kontakt os for at høre nærmere.

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