Summer course with Venerable Dupseng Rinpoche
July 9 - 14, 2018
Vajrasattva-empowerment and introduction to Mahamudra-meditation.
Monday July 9th until Wednesday the 11th, 2018.
This year’s Summer course will start with Vajrasattva (Dorje Sempa) empowerment (wang) and continue with teachings on Mahamudra-meditation. Mahamudra is the primary meditation system within the Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism.
Sangye Menla- empowerment and Medicine Buddha- course
Thursday July 12th until Saturday the 14th, 2018.
The Medicine Buddha course will begin with an empowerment (wang) to the Medicine Buddha Sangye Menla, followed by teachings (tri) and finally the transmission of the practice (lung).
The practice on Sangye Menla is said to cure physical as well as mental diseases and strengthen the altruistic attitude.

Course fees:
Full course (Monday - Saturday) = 2500 kr (including practice texts, accommodation in dormitory or your own tent and organic vegetarian food).
Half course (Monday- Wednesday) or (Thursday - Saturday) = 2000 kr
Single days/ empowerments = 500 kr
Accommodation in a cabin or caravan = + 400 kr
Children under 12 years = + 50 kr./pr. day
Children over 12 years: + 75 kr./pr. day.

Please note that your course fee covers expenses regarding the course, such as Rinpoche’s travel arrangements, food etc, not actual payment for Rinpoche’s teachings.
Therefore we kindly ask all participants to give Rinpoche a donation instead. This may be done at the end of the course or anonymously to the Center (to give to Rinpoche).
The amount is based on free will and entirely up to you. :-)
Registration please send an email to:
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.